Also, know as a rear leg elevated split squat, this exercise is a beauty for runners. Why?
Great bang for your buck: it works multiple areas including glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves & adductors to similar degrees as a traditional backsquat
Allows to work on left-right strength asymmetry
Ideal for working out at home due to less weight required
⬆️Hip flexor strength: whilst approx 85% of the work is being done by the front leg, the rear leg is still contributing, with the hip flexors helping out (McCurdy 2010)
⬆️Hip extensor mobility: Having the rear leg elevated can provide a good stretch
Low back pain? This exercise involves less load on the upper body & back than a traditional double leg weighted squat
Stiff ankles? This variation allows a deeper squat due to less requirement on ankle mobility
Injured leg? if you are just too sore to weight heavy, you can still train the opposite, uninjured side
Knee pain? Want to target the posterior chain & decrease knee load? Move the front foot further forwards &/or slightly lean further forwards to feel more in the hamstring & hips.
Want to increase the challenge on the knee & quads? Move the front foot closer to your body &/or maintain a more upright posture. You can also press the weight overhead.
👋If you need help with your running injuries, don't hesitate to contact us at
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DeForest, B. A., et al. (2014). "Muscle Activity in Single- vs. Double-Leg Squats." International journal of exercise science 7(4): 302-310.
McCurdy, K., et al. (2010). "Comparison of lower extremity EMG between the 2-leg squat and modified single-leg squat in female athletes." J Sport Rehabil 19(1): 57-70.
Schütz P, List R, Zemp R, Schellenberg F, Taylor WR, Lorenzetti S. Joint angles of the ankle, knee, and hip and loading conditions during split squats. J Appl Biomech. 2014 Jun;30(3):373-80.