Are there running gait abnormalities associated with running injuries? A recent study by Bramah set about to examine this question. 72 injured runners & 36 controls had their running gait analysed & then compared the two groups.ā£

What did they find?ā£
Injured runners demonstrated:ā£
š¤Greater contralateral pelvic drop & forward trunk lean at midstance, ā£
š¤Landed with a more extended knee & dorsiflexed ankle at initial contact. ā£
These kinematic patterns were consistent across each of the 4 injured subgroups (patellofemoral pain, ITB syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome & Achilles tendinopathy). ā£
Pelvic drop was found to be the most important variable predicting the classification of participants as healthy or injured. Importantly, for every 1Ā° increase in pelvic drop, there was an 80% increase in the odds of being classified as injured.ā£
šWhat are the limitations to this research?ā£
Firstly this study was done retrospectively, so we can't conclusively say that the changes in running gait CAUSED their injury.ā£
šKey takeawaysā£
Running gait analysis should form a PART in the holistic approach to running-related injuries.ā£
If you are suffering from running injuries, and need your running gait assessed, please don't hesitate to contact us atā£
šBramah, C., et al. (2018). "Is There a Pathological Gait Associated With Common Soft Tissue Running Injuries?" Am J Sports Med: 363546518793657