Progression to plyometric exercises is very important for return to sport after a calf strain.

When can you start plyometrics after a calf strain? We use the following objective criteria:
Seated and standing calf raise on AxIT within 10% of the uninjured side
25+ calf raises, <10% asymmetry
Calf raise height & bent knee calf raise height within 10% of the uninjured side
Bent knee calf raise endurance within 10% of the uninjured side
Pulses are a great intermediate exercise to prepare for plyometrics. Click here to read more about these.
These can then be progressed to:
Submaximal jumping on the spot
Submaximal hopping on the spot: quality vs other side
Multidirectional submaximal hopping
Start with concentric-biased, progress to force absorption and then stretch shortening cycle exercises. When performing plyometrics for the first time, it is advisable to keep repetitions low between 25-50 landings.
Concentric biased
Box jumps:
double up, step down
single up, step down
Force absorption:
Catching in DL squat from 15cm, then 30cm
Catching in split stance from 15cm
Catching in SL squat from 15cm, 30cm
Stretch shortening cycle and reactive training:
Bilateral drop jump: starting point 15cm, progress height
Unilateral drop jump
Skipping: single and double unders
Pogo jump
Broad jump, multiple broad jump
Single leg hop for distance, triple hop