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Can Supershoes make you prone to injury?

Writer: Luke NelsonLuke Nelson

With the rise in popularity of carbon-plated, high-stack Supershoes, many are wondering, could these potentially lead to more injuries? The answer isn't as clear-cut as you'd think.

Firstly there isn't any high-quality published research to either support or refute this claim. Like any other shoe, if they aren't suitable for the individual then it could result in an injury. Typically the Supershoes have a narrower base of support, so those needing greater support might find an increased demand on the stabilizing muscles of the foot & ankle🦶

Shoes with greater cushioning like Supershoes tend to decrease loading at the foot & ankle but create greater work at the knee which could contribute to issues here 🦵

Anecdotally we find these shoes allow runners to number 1, run faster & number 2, run more. Both of these issues pose problems to injury risk. Obviously, by running more your increase your exposure to developing injuries and by running faster you do place higher demands on the body, especially around the hips and pelvis as you increase your stride length. Potentially issues such as adductor injuries, hip pain and sacral, pubic & femoral bone stress injuries could be partly attributed to this increase in running 🤕

So whilst there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that Supershoes increase your injury risk, our suggestion is to:

1️⃣ Ensure they suit your mechanics

2️⃣ Monitor your training volume & speed to ensure you aren't doing too much too soon!

👋Runners, what has been your experience with Supershoes? Let us know below 👇






  • Malisoux, L., et al. (2022). "Lower impact forces but greater burden for the musculoskeletal system in running shoes with greater cushioning stiffness." Eur J Sport Sci: 1-11.

  • Ogston, J. K. (2019). "Comparison of in-shoe plantar loading forces between minimalist and maximalist cushion running shoes." Footwear Science 11(1): 55-61.

  • Sinclair, J., et al. (2016). "The Influence of Minimalist and Maximalist Footwear on Patellofemoral Kinetics During Running." J Appl Biomech 32(4): 359-364.


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