For irritable tendons, isometric exercises can be useful to reduce pain. In this blog, we cover some of the exercises that can be used for hamstring tendinopathy.

Some options here include:
🎯Standing heel drive
🎯Prone hamstring curl
🎯30-degree bridge hold (double leg or single leg)
🎯Bench bridge isometric
🙋🏼♀️Which one to choose?
Simply the one that is convenient, & relieves your pain the greatest!
🙋Sets & reps?
Aim to hold for 30-45 seconds, pushing around 75% of your maximal effort for this duration. For the bridges, this may mean having weight on your stomach. Ensure that you aren’t shaking when holding this contraction. Repeat 3-5 times with 1 min rest in between each effort. These can be done as a warm-up before exercise to help reduce the initial pain.
If you need further help with your hamstring tendinopathy: