1️⃣Add some variety!
👣Left, right, left, right. Running is so repetitive, so it makes sense that you should add some variety!! We've previously discussed the benefits of running on different surfaces, so it makes sense to mix up different shoes.
2️⃣Reduce injury
🥰Fortunately for the shoe lovers out there, research supports the use of multiple pairs of shoes! In their 2013 study of 264 runners, Malisoux et al found that the multiple-shoe wearers had a 39% lower risk of injury versus the single-shoe wearers!
3️⃣Different shoes for different purposes
👟Each shoe is designed for a different purpose, so you can choose your shoe depending on the type of run: a more structured shoe on longer runs & lighter, less structured shoes for speedwork & races.
4️⃣Increase the lifespan of your shoe
👨🏻🦳After running in a shoe, it can take 24+hours for the foam to rebound, so giving extra time between use will allow this to occur!
🗣So if you are confronted by frustrated partners that "you already have enough running shoes", just tell them it's science & tag them in this post 😉
👇Runners, let us know what shoes you have in your current rotation 👟
#running #runningshoes #runninginjury #shoes #shoegeek #injuryprevention #run #funrun #chiro #sportschiro #physio #sportsphysio #podiatry #osteopathy #physicaltherapy
Malisoux, L., et al. (2013). "Can parallel use of different running shoes decrease running-related injury risk?" Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports