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4 best exercises for ITB pain
Struggling with ITB pain during your runs? We've got you covered! Here are four exercises that will help you conquer that pesky ITB pain.
Luke Nelson
Jun 5, 20231 min read

Outside of hip pain? It's not always the glutes! 🍑
Whilst many associate ITB pain with pain distally on the outside of the knee, the proximal ITB can also be a source of pain.
Luke Nelson
Jul 18, 20221 min read

4 tips for managing ITB pain
ITB pain can often be impossible to run through when really angry. Here are our top tips for managing this condition.
Luke Nelson
Jul 15, 20221 min read

4 tips for running with ITB pain
ITB pain need not stop you from running. Here are 4 quick tips to help keep you pounding the pavement: ✅Slightly increase your step width...
Luke Nelson
May 20, 20211 min read

ITB pain: Luke on the Peak Endurance Podcast
Luke again featured on the Peak Endurance podcast, this time chatting all things Iliotibial band pain (ITB), with some tips on how to manage
Luke Nelson
Apr 11, 20211 min read
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