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Tissue Recovery Timelines
Different tissues = different recovery times! Learn how to train smarter by syncing your loading strategies with recovery needs
Luke Nelson
Dec 21, 20242 min read

New Year, New Strides: our 5 top resolutions
New Year, New Strides! Ready to lace up & crush your running goals in 2024? Here are the top 5 resolutions to make it your best yet
Luke Nelson
Jan 4, 20241 min read

Age is Just a Number: The Power of Exercise in Defying the Aging Process
Aging is unavoidable, and with it comes muscle mass loss. Can this process be reversed?
Luke Nelson
Dec 14, 20232 min read

What's the best recovery position?
There's been a long-standing debate over what position to adopt when recovering from a hard effort: upright or hunched over?
Luke Nelson
Oct 12, 20222 min read

Compression sleeves: do they work?
Compression sleeves are frequently worn to promote recovery, prevent injury & improve performance, but do they work?
Luke Nelson
Oct 10, 20221 min read

Wrist vs Chest based heart sensors: which is better?
Whilst wrist-based sensors offer convenience, does this come at the sacrifice of accuracy?
Luke Nelson
Jul 6, 20222 min read

Returning to exercise after COVID-19
With COVID now running rampant in Australia, many are facing time spent laid up at home. So once able, how should you return to exercise?
Luke Nelson
Jan 18, 20223 min read

Taper time! Our top tips to maximize your pre-race preparation
You’ve done the work (hopefully!), the race is near, so it’s taper time! Here are our top tips to get the most out of your taper!
Luke Nelson
Nov 25, 20212 min read

Do you need to get sore after strength training?
There's a general belief that DOMs is a good indicator of a 'successful' gym session. But is this true?
Trang Nguyen
Sep 30, 20211 min read

Tendon stiffness: what is it and why is it important for runners?
In this blog, we discuss what tendon stiffness is, & why it's important for runners
Trang Nguyen
Aug 29, 20214 min read

4 strength qualities needed by runners: how do you measure up?
There are multiple qualities of strength we look for in runners, the results of which help dictate management.
Luke Nelson
Jul 24, 20211 min read

The benefits of napping
Napping can be a great way to catch up on lost sleep from the night before & can provide numerous health benefits
Luke Nelson
Jun 14, 20211 min read

Should you exercise on a hangover?
Should you "sweat out" a hangover? Read on as we discuss our top 6 tips for exercising with a hangover.
Luke Nelson
Dec 4, 20203 min read

Injured? Training the opposite side & the magic of the cross-education effect
What if I told you that training your uninjured side can result in strength gains on your injured side? Enter the cross-education effect..
Luke Nelson
Sep 16, 20204 min read

Why COVID-19 is proving to be a real pain in the neck (& back), and what you can do about it!
COVID-19 has presented us with many challenges, & we are now seeing an increasing amount of neck & back pain in clinic these last few months
Luke Nelson
Sep 14, 20204 min read

Support your breast friends: A search for the perfect sports bra
Boobs, bust, knockers, bazookas, melons, bosom, mammary glands…whatever you like to call them, breasts need our support when exercising.
Phoebe Henry
Aug 4, 20204 min read

The other vital sign
Unfortunately, a lot of women & girls feel uncomfortable talking about this topic, but for active women, and in fact ALL women, it is VITAL.
Phoebe Henry
Aug 4, 20203 min read

Why muscle cramps suck & what you can do about them
Why do muscles cramp? Is there more we can do other than letting it pass or getting another massage/rub down? Do salt tablets actually work?
Phoebe Henry
Jul 10, 20205 min read

4 tips to Optimize training around your menstrual cycle
In this blog we discuss how women can modify their exercise throughout the different phases of the menstrual cycle to maximise performance!
Phoebe Henry
Jul 3, 20205 min read

Stitches: a real pain in the side
The dreaded side stitch can strike at any time. What are “stitches”? What can you do to relieve them? And what can you do to prevent them?
Luke Nelson
Jun 9, 20203 min read
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